resources.Katana.AssetPlugins.ShotgunAssetPlugin module

class ShotgunAssetPlugin

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

The main class of the plug-in that will be registered as “Shotgun”. It extends AssetAPI.BaseAssetPlugin to create an asset plug-in class and implements all abstract functions from the plug-in interface.


Creates a transaction object

getAssetFields(assetId, includeDefaults=False)

Resolves an asset ID to a dict of all of the required fields. Returns a dict, keyed by the field names that the corresponding Shotgun template will expect


Checks if the given string is a valid asset ID


Resets the state of the plug-in


For each asset ID found in the given string (isolated by whitespaces) it will be resolved and the original string will be substituted

resolveAsset(assetId, throwOnError=False)

Lookups the given asset ID in Shotgun and returns the file path that it references

resolveAssetVersion(assetId, versionTag='')

Returns the version for the given asset ID. If it is a partial asset ID (which doesn’t have a version) then None is returned

resolvePath(assetId, frame)

Resolves the given asset ID and if it comes as a file sequence then we will resolve that file sequence to the specified frame using the currently selected FileSequence plug-in


This function relies on the SGTK_CONTEXT environment var being previously set by Shotgun.