startup module

class KatanaLauncher(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject

Handles launching Katana executables. Automatically starts up a tk-katana engine with the current context in the new session of Katana.

COMPONENT_REGEX_LOOKUP = {'version': '\\d+\\.\\d+v\\d+'}
EXECUTABLE_TEMPLATES = {'linux2': ['/opt/foundry/katana-program/katana'], 'win32': ['C:/Program Files/Katana{version}/bin/katanaBin.exe']}

The minimum software version that is supported by the launcher.

prepare_launch(exec_path, args, file_to_open=None)

Prepares an environment to launch Katana in that will automatically load Toolkit and the tk-katana engine when Katana starts.

  • exec_path (str) – Path to Katana executable to launch.
  • args (str) – Command line arguments as strings.
  • file_to_open (str) – (optional) Full path name of a file to open on launch.

LaunchInformation instance


Scan the filesystem for katana executables.

Returns:A list of SoftwareVersion objects.