Generating documentations

Whenever you create a new PR for this repository, documentations will be built as part of CI.

But during development, you may want to generate the (code) documentations yourself locally.


Right now this guide only supports Linux.


Either just Docker or:

  • Python, and
  • A Qt binding for Python (e.g. PyQt4), and
  • pip, PyYAML and sphinx-rtd-theme pip packages




If you have Docker installed, simply run from the repository’s root folder:

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/repo $(docker build --quiet --rm docs/docker)

This builds the Docker image required to build the documentations and then generates the documentations in a container, mounting the current folder (repository root) as /repo.

VirtualEnv or installed dependencies

If you have the dependencies installed from the above Requirements section, simply run from the repository’s root folder:



Again, documentations will be built as part of CI for sanity check but not viewable by default.


The following is really hack-y and not recommended as it will override the default documentations viewed by everyone through

If you want to brute-force override the default documentations, you can temporarily for the PR, change the branch which the documentations will only be deployed for, i.e.:

--- /tmp/tmp.nOBVVpxyvw/docs/_static/example_travis.yml
+++ /tmp/tmp.nOBVVpxyvw/docs/_static/example_travis_docs_hack.yml
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
     # only do this when on the master branch
     # Make sure this matches html_context["github_version"]
-    branch: master
+    branch: hooks-docs

Just remember to change it back to master before merging the PR