How to organize markdown files on disk

Markdown files should be organized by language and then by their position in the table of contents.

The top folder structure should always be the language:

  |- en
  |- jp
  |- ko
  |- images
  |- all_langs
  \- _data
  • All english documentation should be in the en folder.
  • All japanese documentation should be in the jp folder.
  • All korean documentation should be in the ko folder.
  • Images are shared across languanges and are stored in an images folder.
  • If you have content that is shared across languages (such as pdfs or zips for example), create an all_langs folder and organize it there.
  • Special TOC and landing page data is stored inside the _data folder.

Symmetry : The language folders and the image folder should all have the exact same folder structure. This makes translation easy.

Inside the en folder, items should be organized as they are in the table of contents.

  |- shotgun
  |    \-

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