Source code for python.tk_houdini.utils.parm_template_wrappers

from __future__ import print_function

import sgtk

[docs]def wrap_node_parameter_group(node): """ Helper function to convert a node's parameter group into a ParmGroup instance. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :returns: A :class:`ParmGroup` instance. """ template_group = node.parmTemplateGroup() parameter_group = ParmGroup(template_group) return parameter_group
[docs]class Parm(object): """ Wrapper class for houdini parameter template instances. """ @classmethod
[docs] def from_template(cls, template, parent=None): """ Method to build a Parm object from a given template. :param template: A :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` instance. :param Parm parent: The parent object. :returns: A :class:`Parm` or :class:`ParmFolder` instance. """ import hou if template.type() == hou.parmTemplateType.Folder: return ParmFolder(template, parent=parent) return Parm(template, parent=parent)
def __init__(self, template, parent=None): """ Initialise the class. :param template: A :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` instance. :param Parm parent: The parent object. """ self.template = template self.parent = parent self.logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__) @property
[docs] def name(self): """ Get the template name. :rtype: str """ return
[docs] def build(self): """ Get the template relating to this Parm object. :rtype: :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` """ return self.template
[docs] def dumps(self, indent=0): """ Dump a string representation of this object for debugging. :param int indent: Size of indenation. """ print("\t" * indent, self.template)
[docs]class ParmFolder(Parm): """ Wrapper class for houdini folder parameter template instances. """ def __init__(self, template, parent=None): """ Initialise the class. :param template: A :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` instance. :param Parm parent: The parent object. """ super(ParmFolder, self).__init__(template, parent=parent) self.__children = [ Parm.from_template(child) for child in template.parmTemplates() ] self.__child_names = [ for child in self.__children] @property
[docs] def descendents(self): """ Get the descendent templates from this object. :rtype: list(Parm) """ descendents = [] for child in self: descendents.append(child) if isinstance(child, ParmFolder): descendents.extend(child.descendents) return descendents
[docs] def get_root(self): """ Get the root item this object belongs to. :returns: The top most parent :class:`ParmGroup` instance. """ parent = current = self while current.parent: parent = current return parent
[docs] def _remove_existing_children(self, parm, root): """ Removes all child :class:`Parm` objects from the given :class:`Parm` that already exist within the node template hierarchy. :param Parm parm: The :class:`Parm` to check. :param root parm: The highest level :class:`Parm` object that the given :class:`Parm` will belong to. """ for child in parm: if in root: self.logger.debug("Parm %r already exists. Skipping", index = parm.index_of_template( parm.pop_template(index) elif isinstance(child, ParmFolder): self._remove_existing_children(child, root)
[docs] def remove_existing(self, parm): """ Removes all instances of existing templates in the given :class:`Parm` that already exist within the hierarchy. If the :class:`Parm` itself is a duplicate, then this method retuns `None` and the item is not added to the overall template. :param Parm parm: The :class:`Parm` to check. :returns: A sanitised :class:`Parm` or :class:`NoneType` """ root = self.get_root() if in root: self.logger.debug("Parm %r already exists. Skipping", return None elif isinstance(parm, ParmFolder): self._remove_existing_children(parm, root) return parm
[docs] def index_of_template(self, template_name): """ Get the index of the child template from the list of child templates. :param str template_name: The name of the template to find. :rtype: int """ return self.__child_names.index(template_name)
[docs] def extend(self, parms): """ Add multiple templates to the child templates list.. :param list(Parm)) parms: The list of Parm instances to add. """ for parm in parms: self.append(parm)
[docs] __iadd__ = extend
[docs] def extend_templates(self, templates): """ Add multiple templates to the child templates list.. :param list(hou.ParmTemplate) templates: The list of template instances to add. """ self.extend(Parm.from_template(template, parent=self) for template in templates)
[docs] def append(self, parm): """ Add a template to the child templates list. :param Parm parm: The Parm to add. """ parm = self.remove_existing(parm) if parm: parm.parent = self self.__child_names.append( self.__children.append(parm)
[docs] def append_template(self, template): """ Add a template to the child templates list. :param hou.ParmTemplate template: The template to add. """ self.append(Parm.from_template(template, parent=self))
[docs] def insert(self, index, parm): """ Insert a template into the child templates list. :param int index: The position to add the template. :param Parm parm: The Parm to insert. """ parm = self.remove_existing(parm) if parm: parm.parent = self self.__child_names.insert(index, self.__children.insert(index, parm)
[docs] def insert_template(self, index, template): """ Insert a template into the child templates list. :param int index: The position to add the template. :param hou.ParmTemplate template: The template to insert. """ parm = Parm.from_template(template, parent=self) self.insert(index, parm)
[docs] def pop_template(self, index): """ Pop a template from the child templates list. :param int index: The index of the child to pop. :rtype: A :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` instance. """ self.__child_names.pop(index) return self.__children.pop(index).template
[docs] def get(self, template_name): """ Get a template from the child list by name of the template. :param str template_name: The name of the template to get. :rtype: A :class:`hou.ParmTemplate` instance. """ index_of_template = self.__child_names.index(template_name) return self.__children[index_of_template]
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ Iterate through the children list. :rtype: Iterator """ return iter(self.__children)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Get the number of children. :rtype: int """ return len(self.__children)
[docs] def __contains__(self, name): """ Find out if a template is contained in the list, by name: :param str name: The name of the template to check for. :rtype: bool """ return name in [ for item in self.descendents]
[docs] def _child_templates(self): """ Get the template hierarchy from the list of children. :rtype: list(:class:`hou.ParmTemplate`) """ return [ for child in self]
[docs] def build(self): """ Build the template hierarchy for this instance. :rtype: :class:`hou.ParmFolderTemplate` """ new_template = self.template.clone() new_template.setParmTemplates(self._child_templates()) return new_template
[docs] def dumps(self, indent=0): print("\t" * indent, self.template) indent += 1 for child in self.__children: child.dumps(indent)
[docs]class ParmGroup(ParmFolder): """ Wrapper class for houdini parameter template group instances. """
[docs] def build(self): """ Build the template hierarchy for this instance. :rtype: :class:`hou.ParmTemplateGroup` """ import hou return hou.ParmTemplateGroup(self._child_templates())
[docs] def name(self): """ Get the template name. :rtype: str """ return "ParmTemplateGroup"