Source code for publish_session

# Copyright (c) 2017 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

import os
import hou
import sgtk

from tank_vendor import six

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class HoudiniSessionPublishPlugin(HookBaseClass): """ Plugin for publishing an open houdini session. This hook relies on functionality found in the base file publisher hook in the publish2 app and should inherit from it in the configuration. The hook setting for this plugin should look something like this:: hook: "{self}/{engine}/tk-multi-publish2/basic/" """ # NOTE: The plugin icon and name are defined by the base file plugin. @property
[docs] def description(self): """ Verbose, multi-line description of what the plugin does. This can contain simple html for formatting. """ loader_url = "" return """ Publishes the file to Shotgun. A <b>Publish</b> entry will be created in Shotgun which will include a reference to the file's current path on disk. If a publish template is configured, a copy of the current session will be copied to the publish template path which will be the file that is published. Other users will be able to access the published file via the <b><a href='%s'>Loader</a></b> so long as they have access to the file's location on disk. If the session has not been saved, validation will fail and a button will be provided in the logging output to save the file. <h3>File versioning</h3> If the filename contains a version number, the process will bump the file to the next version after publishing. The <code>version</code> field of the resulting <b>Publish</b> in Shotgun will also reflect the version number identified in the filename. The basic worklfow recognizes the following version formats by default: <ul> <li><code>filename.v###.ext</code></li> <li><code>filename_v###.ext</code></li> <li><code>filename-v###.ext</code></li> </ul> After publishing, if a version number is detected in the work file, the work file will automatically be saved to the next incremental version number. For example, <code>filename.v001.ext</code> will be published and copied to <code>filename.v002.ext</code> If the next incremental version of the file already exists on disk, the validation step will produce a warning, and a button will be provided in the logging output which will allow saving the session to the next available version number prior to publishing. <br><br><i>NOTE: any amount of version number padding is supported. for non-template based workflows.</i> <h3>Overwriting an existing publish</h3> In non-template workflows, a file can be published multiple times, however only the most recent publish will be available to other users. Warnings will be provided during validation if there are previous publishes. """ % ( loader_url,
) @property
[docs] def settings(self): """ Dictionary defining the settings that this plugin expects to receive through the settings parameter in the accept, validate, publish and finalize methods. A dictionary on the following form:: { "Settings Name": { "type": "settings_type", "default": "default_value", "description": "One line description of the setting" } The type string should be one of the data types that toolkit accepts as part of its environment configuration. """ # inherit the settings from the base publish plugin base_settings = super(HoudiniSessionPublishPlugin, self).settings or {} # settings specific to this class houdini_publish_settings = { "Publish Template": { "type": "template", "default": None, "description": ( "Template path for published work files. Should" "correspond to a template defined in " "templates.yml." ), } } # update the base settings base_settings.update(houdini_publish_settings) return base_settings
[docs] def item_filters(self): """ List of item types that this plugin is interested in. Only items matching entries in this list will be presented to the accept() method. Strings can contain glob patters such as *, for example ["maya.*", "file.maya"] """ return ["houdini.session"]
[docs] def accept(self, settings, item): """ Method called by the publisher to determine if an item is of any interest to this plugin. Only items matching the filters defined via the item_filters property will be presented to this method. A publish task will be generated for each item accepted here. Returns a dictionary with the following booleans: - accepted: Indicates if the plugin is interested in this value at all. Required. - enabled: If True, the plugin will be enabled in the UI, otherwise it will be disabled. Optional, True by default. - visible: If True, the plugin will be visible in the UI, otherwise it will be hidden. Optional, True by default. - checked: If True, the plugin will be checked in the UI, otherwise it will be unchecked. Optional, True by default. :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting` instances. :param item: Item to process :returns: dictionary with boolean keys accepted, required and enabled """ # if a publish template is configured, disable context change. This # is a temporary measure until the publisher handles context switching # natively. if settings.get("Publish Template").value: item.context_change_allowed = False path = _session_path() if not path: # the session has not been saved before (no path determined). # provide a save button. the session will need to be saved before # validation will succeed. self.logger.warn( "The Houdini session has not been saved.", extra=_get_save_as_action() ) "Houdini '%s' plugin accepted the current Houdini session.",, ) return {"accepted": True, "checked": True}
[docs] def validate(self, settings, item): """ Validates the given item to check that it is ok to publish. Returns a boolean to indicate validity. :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting` instances. :param item: Item to process :returns: True if item is valid, False otherwise. """ # this method will handle validation specific to the houdini script # itself. the base class plugin will handle validation of the file # itself publisher = self.parent path = _session_path() # ---- ensure the session has been saved if not path: # the session still requires saving. provide a save button. # validation fails. error_msg = "The Houdini session has not been saved." self.logger.error(error_msg, extra=_get_save_as_action()) raise Exception(error_msg) # ---- check the session against any attached work template # get the path in a normalized state. no trailing separator, # separators are appropriate for current os, no double separators, # etc. path = sgtk.util.ShotgunPath.normalize(path) # if the session item has a known work template, see if the path # matches. if not, warn the user and provide a way to save the file to # a different path work_template ="work_template") if work_template: if not work_template.validate(path): self.logger.warning( "The current session does not match the configured work " "template.", extra={ "action_button": { "label": "Save File", "tooltip": ( "Save the current Houdini session to a " "different file name" ), # will launch wf2 if configured "callback": _get_save_as_action(), } }, ) else: self.logger.debug("Work template configured and matches session file.") else: self.logger.debug("No work template configured.") # ---- see if the version can be bumped post-publish # check to see if the next version of the work file already exists on # disk. if so, warn the user and provide the ability to jump to save # to that version now (next_version_path, version) = self._get_next_version_info(path, item) if next_version_path and os.path.exists(next_version_path): # determine the next available version_number. just keep asking for # the next one until we get one that doesn't exist. while os.path.exists(next_version_path): (next_version_path, version) = self._get_next_version_info( next_version_path, item ) error_msg = "The next version of this file already exists on disk." self.logger.error( error_msg, extra={ "action_button": { "label": "Save to v%s" % (version,), "tooltip": ( "Save to the next available version number, " "v%s" % version ), "callback": lambda: _save_session(next_version_path), } }, ) raise Exception(error_msg) # ---- populate the necessary properties and call base class validation # populate the publish template on the item if found publish_template_setting = settings.get("Publish Template") publish_template = publisher.engine.get_template_by_name( publish_template_setting.value ) if publish_template:["publish_template"] = publish_template # set the session path on the item for use by the base plugin validation # step. NOTE: this path could change prior to the publish phase.["path"] = path # run the base class validation return super(HoudiniSessionPublishPlugin, self).validate(settings, item)
[docs] def publish(self, settings, item): """ Executes the publish logic for the given item and settings. :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting` instances. :param item: Item to process """ # get the path in a normalized state. no trailing separator, separators # are appropriate for current os, no double separators, etc. path = sgtk.util.ShotgunPath.normalize(_session_path()) # ensure the session is saved _save_session(path) # update the item with the saved session path["path"] = path # let the base class register the publish super(HoudiniSessionPublishPlugin, self).publish(settings, item)
[docs] def finalize(self, settings, item): """ Execute the finalization pass. This pass executes once all the publish tasks have completed, and can for example be used to version up files. :param settings: Dictionary of Settings. The keys are strings, matching the keys returned in the settings property. The values are `Setting` instances. :param item: Item to process """ # do the base class finalization super(HoudiniSessionPublishPlugin, self).finalize(settings, item) # bump the session file to the next version self._save_to_next_version(["path"], item, _save_session)
[docs]def _save_session(path): """ Save the current session to the supplied path. """ # We need to flip the slashes on Windows to avoid a bug in Houdini. If we don't # the next Save As dialog will have the filename box populated with the complete # file path. sanitized_path = six.ensure_str(path.replace("\\", "/"))
[docs]def _session_path(): """ Return the path to the current session :return: """ # Houdini always returns a file path, even for new sessions. We key off the # houdini standard of "untitled.hip" to indicate that the file has not been # saved. if == "untitled.hip": return None return hou.hipFile.path()
[docs]def _get_save_as_action(): """ Simple helper for returning a log action dict for saving the session """ engine = sgtk.platform.current_engine() # default save callback callback = engine.save_as # if workfiles2 is configured, use that for file save if "tk-multi-workfiles2" in engine.apps: app = engine.apps["tk-multi-workfiles2"] if hasattr(app, "show_file_save_dlg"): callback = app.show_file_save_dlg return { "action_button": { "label": "Save As...", "tooltip": "Save the current session", "callback": callback,
} }