Source code for image_handler

"""Hook class to handle Houdini 2D image read nodes.

Designed to inherit ``base_import_handler`` i.e. define the ``hook`` attribute
in your project configuration settings with the following inheritance:

.. code-block:: yaml
    :caption: env/includes/settings/tk-houdini_node_handlers.yml

    - node_type: file
      node_category: Cop2
      hook: "{self}/node_handlers/{self}/node_handlers/"
      work_template: houdini_asset_render
      publish_template: houdini_asset_publish_render
        - Image
        - Photoshop Image
        - Rendered Image
        - Texture

import sgtk

import hou

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class ImageNodeHandler(HookBaseClass): """ A node handler for image file input nodes in Houdini. """
[docs] NODE_TYPE = "file"
[docs] NODE_CATEGORY = "Cop2"
[docs] INPUT_PARM = "filename1"
[docs] HOU_FILE_TYPE = hou.fileType.Image
[docs] def _customise_parameter_group(self, node, parameter_group, sgtk_folder): """ Here is where you define where the sgtk folder is to be placed, but also any other parameters that you wish to add to the node. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param parameter_group: The node's :class:`ParmGroup`. :param sgtk_folder: A :class:`hou.ParmFolderTemplate` containing sgtk parameters. """ index = parameter_group.index_of_template("stdswitcher") parameter_group.insert_template(index, sgtk_folder)