Source code for file_handler

"""Hook class to handle Houdini file SOP nodes.

Designed to inherit ``base_import_handler`` i.e. define the ``hook`` attribute
in your project configuration settings with the following inheritance:

.. code-block:: yaml
    :caption: env/includes/settings/tk-houdini_node_handlers.yml

    - node_type: file
      node_category: Sop
      hook: "{self}/node_handlers/{self}/node_handlers/"
      work_template: houdini_shot_work_cache
      publish_template: houdini_shot_publish_cache
        - "Alembic Cache"
        - "Geometry Cache"


import sgtk

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class FileNodeHandler(HookBaseClass): """ A node handler for file input nodes in Houdini. """
[docs] NODE_TYPE = "file"
[docs] NODE_CATEGORY = "Sop"
[docs] INPUT_PARM = "file"