Source code for base_render_handler

"""Base Hook for other Houdini renderer node handlers.

These include:

- ``arnold_handler``
- ``ifd_handler``

This hook is designed to inherit from ``base_export_handler`` hook.
import sgtk

import hou

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class BaseRenderNodeHandler(HookBaseClass): """ Base class for all render output nodes. """
[docs] SGTK_PASS_NAME = "sgtk_pass_name"
# aovs
[docs] AOV_COUNT = ""
[docs] AOV_NAME_TMPL = "{}"
[docs] AOV_FILE_TMPL = "{}"
[docs] AOV_USE_FILE_TMPL = "{}"
# archives
[docs] ARCHIVE_OUTPUT = ""
# templates
[docs] AOV_WORK_TEMPLATE = "aov_work_template"
[docs] AOV_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE = "aov_publish_template"
# strings
[docs] AOV_ERROR = ""
[docs] def _get_template_fields_from(self, node, additional_fields=None): """ Get shotgun template fields from the given node and update with any additional fields. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict additional_fields: Any fields to override with. :returns: The template fields updated with the additional_fields """ output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) file_path = output_parm.unexpandedString() fields = self.get_work_template(node).validate_and_get_fields(file_path) if not fields: mesage = 'Can not extract Shotgun fields from "{}": "{}"' raise sgtk.TankError(mesage.format(output_parm.path(), file_path)) if "SEQ" in fields: fields["SEQ"] = "FORMAT: $F" fields.update(additional_fields or {}) return fields
[docs] def generate_aov_path(self, node, channel, template_name): """ Generate the file path for the given aov name. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str channel: The aov name. :param str template_name: The name of the shotgun template to use. :returns: The file path for the aov output. """ try: fields = self._get_template_fields_from(node) template = self._get_template(template_name) except sgtk.TankError as error: return str(error) if channel: fields["channel"] = channel try: file_path = template.apply_fields(fields) except sgtk.TankError: return self.AOV_ERROR return file_path
[docs] def _lock_parms(self, node, lock): """ Lock parms on the node is shotgun is enabled. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param bool lock: Lock parms if True. """ self._lock_aov_parms(node, lock) archive_output = node.parm(self.ARCHIVE_OUTPUT) archive_output.lock(lock)
[docs] def _update_aov_paths(self, node): """ Update all the aov output paths on the node. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ aov_count = node.parm(self.AOV_COUNT) count = aov_count.eval() + 1 for index in range(1, count): aov_name = node.parm(self.AOV_NAME_TMPL.format(index)) sgtk_aov_name = node.parm(self.SGTK_AOV_NAME_TMPL.format(index)) sgtk_aov_name.set(aov_name.unexpandedString()) self._update_aov_path(node, index)
[docs] def update_file_path(self, node, parm_name, template_name, additional_fields=None): """ Update the file path for the given parameter. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str parm_name: The name of the parm to update. :param str template_name: The name of the shotgun template to use. :param dict additional_fields: Any fields to override the template fields with. """ try: fields = self._get_template_fields_from( node, additional_fields=additional_fields ) template = self._get_template(template_name) file_path = template.apply_fields(fields) except sgtk.TankError as error: file_path = str(error) parm = node.parm(parm_name) parm.lock(False) parm.set(file_path) parm.lock(True)
############################################################################################# # Overriden methods #############################################################################################
[docs] def _create_sgtk_parms(self, node): """ Create the parameters that are going to live within the sgtk folder. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: list(:class:`hou.ParmTemplate`) """ templates = super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._create_sgtk_parms(node) templates[-1].setJoinWithNext(True) sgtk_pass_name = hou.StringParmTemplate( self.SGTK_PASS_NAME, "Render Pass", 1, default_value=("beauty",), script_callback=self.generate_callback_script_str( "validate_parm_and_refresh_path" ), script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, ) sgtk_pass_name.setConditional(hou.parmCondType.DisableWhen, "{ use_sgtk != 1 }") templates.append(sgtk_pass_name) return templates
[docs] def _update_template_fields(self, node, fields): """ Update template fields from the node's parameter values. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict fields: Template fields. """ super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._update_template_fields(node, fields) sgtk_pass_name = node.parm(self.SGTK_PASS_NAME) pass_name = sgtk_pass_name.evalAsString().strip() if pass_name: fields["identifier"] = pass_name
[docs] def _set_up_parms(self, node): """ Set up the given node's parameters. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._set_up_parms(node) self._lock_parms(node, True)
[docs] def _enable_sgtk(self, node, sgtk_enabled): """ Enable/disable the sgtk parameters. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param bool sgtk_enabled: The state to set the parameters to. """ super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._enable_sgtk(node, sgtk_enabled) self._lock_parms(node, sgtk_enabled) if sgtk_enabled: self._update_aov_paths(node)
[docs] def _refresh_file_path(self, node): """ Refresh the file paths generated by the node handler. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._refresh_file_path(node) aov_count = node.parm(self.AOV_COUNT) count = aov_count.eval() + 1 for index in range(1, count): self._update_aov_path(node, index) self.update_file_path(node, self.ARCHIVE_OUTPUT, self.ARCHIVE_WORK_TEMPLATE)
############################################################################################# # AOVs #############################################################################################
[docs] def _update_aov_path(self, node, index): """ Update the aov output path for the given index. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param int index: The index of the aov parm. :raises: :class:`FieldInputError` on invalid input. """ parm = node.parm(self.SGTK_AOV_NAME_TMPL.format(index)) aov_name = node.parm(self.AOV_NAME_TMPL.format(index)) aov_file_path = node.parm(self.AOV_FILE_TMPL.format(index)) try: self._validate_parm(parm) except Exception: aov_name.set("") aov_file_path.set(self.AOV_ERROR) raise aov = parm.evalAsString() aov_name.set(parm.unexpandedString()) aov_path = self.generate_aov_path(node, aov, self.AOV_WORK_TEMPLATE) aov_file_path.lock(False) aov_file_path.set(aov_path) aov_file_path.lock(True)
[docs] def update_aov_path(self, kwargs): """ Callback to update the aov output path for the given index. """ node = kwargs["node"] index = kwargs["script_multiparm_index"] self._update_aov_path(node, index)
[docs] def _lock_aov_parms(self, node, lock): """ Lock aov output path parms. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param bool lock: Lock parms if True. """ aov_count = node.parm(self.AOV_COUNT) count = aov_count.eval() + 1 for index in range(1, count): aov_file_path = node.parm(self.AOV_FILE_TMPL.format(index)) aov_file_path.lock(lock)
[docs] def lock_aov_parms(self, kwargs): """ Callback to lock aov output path parms. """ node = kwargs["node"] self._lock_aov_parms(node, True)
############################################################################################# # Utilities #############################################################################################
[docs] def _populate_aov_names( self, node, parent_parm_name, src_parm_name, dest_parm_name ): """ Populate sgtk aov names from the original aov names. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str parent_parm_name: The parent parm name. :param str src_parm_name: The source parm name. :param str dest_parm_name: The sgtk parm name. """ parent_parm = node.parm(parent_parm_name) count = parent_parm.eval() + 1 for index in range(1, count): src_parm = node.parm(src_parm_name.format(index)) channel_name = src_parm.evalAsString() dest_parm = node.parm(dest_parm_name.format(index)) dest_parm.set(channel_name)
[docs] def _populate_from_fields(self, node, fields): """ Populate the node from template fields. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict fields: The template fields. """ super(BaseRenderNodeHandler, self)._populate_from_fields(node, fields) sgtk_pass_name = node.parm(self.SGTK_PASS_NAME) sgtk_pass_name.set(fields.get("identifier", "")) self._populate_aov_names( node, self.AOV_COUNT, self.AOV_NAME_TMPL, self.SGTK_AOV_NAME_TMPL
[docs] def _get_multi_parm_output_paths_and_templates( self, node, count_parm_name, use_file_parm_tmpl, file_parm_tmpl, work_template_name, publish_template_name, paths_and_templates, ): """ Get the output path and the templates used for the given multi parms. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str count_parm_name: The name of the count parameter to query. :param str use_file_parm_tmpl: The string template for the use file parm name. :param str file_parm_tmpl: The string template for the file parm name. :param work_template: The work :class:`sgtk.Template` for this parm. :param publish_template: The publish :class:`sgtk.Template` for this parm. :param list paths_and_templates: The current list of paths and templates to append to. """ aov_work_template = self._get_template(work_template_name) aov_publish_template = self._get_template(publish_template_name) aov_count = node.parm(count_parm_name) count = aov_count.eval() + 1 for index in range(1, count): aov_enabled = node.parm(use_file_parm_tmpl.format(index)) if aov_enabled.eval(): self._get_output_path_and_templates_for_parm( node, file_parm_tmpl.format(index), aov_work_template, aov_publish_template, paths_and_templates,
[docs] def _get_output_paths_and_templates(self, node): """ Go through the node's specified parameters and get the output paths, work and publish templates. Returns a list of dictionaries, each containing, at least: - work template - publish template - file name and optionally: - any sequence paths - whether the output is a deep image :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: list(dict) """ paths_and_templates = super( BaseRenderNodeHandler, self )._get_output_paths_and_templates(node) # get extra image planes self._get_multi_parm_output_paths_and_templates( node, self.AOV_COUNT, self.AOV_USE_FILE_TMPL, self.AOV_FILE_TMPL, self.AOV_WORK_TEMPLATE, self.AOV_PUBLISH_TEMPLATE, paths_and_templates, ) return paths_and_templates