Source code for base_export_handler

"""Base Hook for other Houdini export/output node handlers.

These include:

- ``base_cache_handler``
    - ``alembic_handler``
    - ``geometry_handler``
- ``base_render_handler``
    - ``arnold_handler``
    - ``ifd_handler``

import copy
import glob
import json
import os
import re

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui

import hou

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class FieldInputError(ValueError): """Error for when a parameter field is entered incorrectly. Example:: >>> regex = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$" >>> text = "--- nope ---" >>> if not re.match(regex, text): ... raise FieldInputError(regex, text) ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module> FieldInputError: Input does not match "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$": "--- nope ---" """
[docs] TEMPLATE = 'Input does not match "{}": "{}"'
def __init__(self, regex, invalid_value): message = self.TEMPLATE.format(regex, invalid_value) super(FieldInputError, self).__init__(message) self.regex = regex self.invalid_value = invalid_value
[docs]class ExportNodeHandler(HookBaseClass): """ Base class for all export handlers. Build the basic parameter templates for all export node types. """
[docs] DEFAULT_ERROR_STRING = "'Element' not specified"
[docs] OUTPUT_PARM = None
[docs] SGTK_ELEMENT = "sgtk_element"
[docs] SGTK_LOCATION = "sgtk_location"
[docs] SGTK_VARIATION = "sgtk_variation"
[docs] OPTIONAL_KEYS = "sgtk_optional_keys"
[docs] USING_NEXT_VERSION = "sgtk_using_next_version"
############################################################################################# # houdini callback overrides #############################################################################################
[docs] def on_name_changed(self, node=None): """ Method to run on houdini's OnNameChanged callback. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ if not node: return parm = node.parm(self.USE_SGTK) if parm and parm.eval(): self._refresh_file_path(node)
############################################################################################# # UI customisation #############################################################################################
[docs] def _add_optional_key_parm(self, node, parameter_group): """ Add special parameter to node to store optional template keys and their values. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param parameter_group: The node's :class:`ParmGroup`. """ optional_keys = hou.StringParmTemplate( self.OPTIONAL_KEYS, "optional keys", 1, default_value=("{}",), is_hidden=True, ) parameter_group.append_template(optional_keys)
[docs] def _add_using_next_parm(self, node, parameter_group): """ Add special parameter to node to store the last state of the version drop down. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param parameter_group: The node's :class:`ParmGroup`. """ using_next = hou.ToggleParmTemplate( self.USING_NEXT_VERSION, "using next version", default_value=True, is_hidden=True, ) parameter_group.append_template(using_next)
[docs] def _set_up_node(self, node, parameter_group): """ Set up a node for use with shotgun pipeline. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param parameter_group: A :class:`ParmGroup` instance. """ self._add_optional_key_parm(node, parameter_group) self._add_using_next_parm(node, parameter_group) super(ExportNodeHandler, self)._set_up_node(node, parameter_group, hou=hou)
[docs] def _set_up_parms(self, node): """ Set up the given node's parameters. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) output_parm.set(self.DEFAULT_ERROR_STRING) output_parm.lock(True)
[docs] def _create_sgtk_parms(self, node): """ Create the parameters that are going to live within the sgtk folder. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: list(:class:`hou.ParmTemplate`) """ templates = super(ExportNodeHandler, self)._create_sgtk_parms(node) sgtk_element = hou.StringParmTemplate( self.SGTK_ELEMENT, "Element", 1, script_callback=self.generate_callback_script_str( "validate_parm_and_refresh_path" ), script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, ) sgtk_element.setConditional(hou.parmCondType.DisableWhen, "{ use_sgtk != 1 }") sgtk_element.setJoinWithNext(True) templates.append(sgtk_element) sgtk_location = hou.StringParmTemplate( self.SGTK_LOCATION, "Location", 1, script_callback=self.generate_callback_script_str( "validate_parm_and_refresh_path" ), script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, ) sgtk_location.setConditional( hou.parmCondType.DisableWhen, '{ use_sgtk != 1 } { sgtk_element == "" }' ) templates.append(sgtk_location) sgtk_variation = hou.StringParmTemplate( self.SGTK_VARIATION, "Variation", 1, script_callback=self.generate_callback_script_str( "validate_parm_and_refresh_path" ), script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, ) sgtk_variation.setConditional( hou.parmCondType.DisableWhen, '{ use_sgtk != 1 } { sgtk_element == "" }' ) templates.append(sgtk_variation) return templates
[docs] def _create_sgtk_folder(self, node): """ Create the sgtk folder template. This contains the common parameters used by all node handlers. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ return super(ExportNodeHandler, self)._create_sgtk_folder(node, hou=hou)
############################################################################################# # UI Callbacks #############################################################################################
[docs] def _get_sequence_glob_path(self, path, template, fields): """ From the given path, shotgun template and fields, derive a glob search path. :param str path: The path. :param template: The relating :class:`sgtk.Template`. :param dict fields: The template fields. :returns: The glob path. """ glob_path = path frame_key = template.keys.get("SEQ") if frame_key: frame_format_string = frame_key._extract_format_string(fields["SEQ"]) frame_spec = frame_key._resolve_frame_spec( frame_format_string, frame_key.format_spec ) glob_path = re.sub(re.escape(frame_spec), r"*", glob_path) return glob_path
[docs] def _resolve_version(self, all_versions, current): """ From a given string, resolve the current version. Either a specified version or the next version in the sequence. :param list(int) all_versions: All the existing versions. :param str current: The currently selected version option. :rtype: int """ if current != self.NEXT_VERSION_STR: resolved = int(current) every_version = all_versions + [max(all_versions or [0]) + 1] if resolved not in every_version: resolved = max(every_version) return resolved return max(all_versions or [0]) + 1
[docs] def _enable_sgtk(self, node, sgtk_enabled): """ Enable/disable the sgtk parameters. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param bool sgtk_enabled: The state to set the parameters to. """ super(ExportNodeHandler, self)._enable_sgtk(node, sgtk_enabled) output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) output_parm.lock(sgtk_enabled)
[docs] def _update_template_fields(self, node, fields): """ Update template fields from the node's parameter values. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict fields: Template fields. """ fields["node"] = fields["SEQ"] = "FORMAT: $F" sgtk_element = node.parm(self.SGTK_ELEMENT) sgtk_location = node.parm(self.SGTK_LOCATION) sgtk_variation = node.parm(self.SGTK_VARIATION) name = sgtk_element.evalAsString().strip() if name: fields["name"] = name else: # Lets clear these as we can't have just location and variation without element sgtk_location.set("") sgtk_variation.set("") location = sgtk_location.evalAsString().strip() or None fields["location"] = location variation = sgtk_variation.evalAsString().strip() or None fields["variation"] = variation
[docs] def _update_optional_keys(self, node, template, fields): """ Update the optional keys parameter to include the currently 'in use' fields and their values. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param template: An :class:`sgtk.Template`. :param dict fields: The template fields. """ optional_fields = {} for key_name in self.get_optional_keys(template): field = fields.get(key_name) if field: optional_fields[key_name] = field parm = node.parm(self.OPTIONAL_KEYS) if parm: parm.set(json.dumps(optional_fields))
[docs] def _update_all_versions(self, node, all_versions): """ Update all the versions that exist on disk. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param list(int) all_versions: Updated list of all versions. """ if all_versions != self._get_all_versions(node): all_versions_str = ",".join(map(str, all_versions)) sgtk_all_versions = node.parm(self.SGTK_ALL_VERSIONS) sgtk_all_versions.set(all_versions_str)
[docs] def refresh_file_path_from_version(self, kwargs): """ Callback to refresh the file paths generated by the node handler when the version is updated. """ node = kwargs["node"] using_next_parm = node.parm(self.USING_NEXT_VERSION) sgtk_version = node.parm(self.SGTK_VERSION) using_next = sgtk_version.evalAsString() in self.VERSION_POLICIES using_next_parm.set(using_next) self._refresh_file_path(node)
[docs] def _refresh_file_path(self, node): """ Refresh the file paths generated by the node handler. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. """ output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) context = self.parent.context template = self.get_work_template(node) fields = context.as_template_fields(template, validate=True) self._update_template_fields(node, fields) self._update_optional_keys(node, template, fields) all_versions = self._resolve_all_versions_from_fields(fields, template) sgtk_version = node.parm(self.SGTK_VERSION) value_before_update = sgtk_version.evalAsString() self._update_all_versions(node, all_versions) current = sgtk_version.evalAsString() if value_before_update in sgtk_version.menuItems(): current = value_before_update sgtk_version.set(current) # Force update UI: Ensure index is re-corrected using_next = current in self.VERSION_POLICIES using_next_parm = node.parm(self.USING_NEXT_VERSION) if using_next_parm: using_next_parm.set(using_next) if using_next_parm.eval(): sgtk_version.set(len(all_versions)) current = sgtk_version.evalAsString() resolved_version = self._resolve_version(all_versions, current) sgtk_resolved_version = node.parm(self.SGTK_RESOLVED_VERSION) sgtk_resolved_version.set(str(resolved_version)) fields["version"] = resolved_version self.logger.debug( 'Calculating new path "%s" using: %s', output_parm.path(), fields ) try: new_path = self.get_work_template(node).apply_fields(fields) except sgtk.TankError: new_path = self.DEFAULT_ERROR_STRING self.logger.exception('Failed to calculate path for "%s"', node) output_parm.lock(False) output_parm.set(new_path) output_parm.lock(True) self.logger.debug("Refreshed parameter %s: %r", output_parm.path(), new_path)
[docs] def _validate_input(self, input_value): """ Validate the user input. Must be alphanumeric. :param str input_value: The input value. :raises: :class:`FieldInputError` when the validation fails. """ match = re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$", input_value) if not match: raise FieldInputError("only letters and numbers", input_value)
[docs] def _validate_parm(self, parm): """ Run the validation on the given parameter. Resets the parm to empty if fails and shows a message box to inform the user. :param parm: A :class:`hou.Parm` instance. :returns: :class:`bool`. The status of the validation. True is a pass. """ value = parm.evalAsString().strip() try: self._validate_input(value) return True except FieldInputError as error: parm.set("") QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self.parent._get_dialog_parent(), "Input Error", str(error) ) return False
[docs] def validate_parm_and_refresh_path(self, kwargs): """ Callback to validate the parm and refresh the file path accordingly. """ if self._validate_parm(kwargs["parm"]): self._refresh_file_path(kwargs["node"])
############################################################################################# # Utilities ############################################################################################# @staticmethod
[docs] def get_optional_keys(template): """ Get the optional keys from the given template. :param template: An :class:`sgtk.Template` instance. :rtype: list(:class:`sgtk.TemplateKey`) """ return list(filter(template.is_optional, template.keys.keys()))
[docs] def _get_template_for_file_path(self, node, file_path): """ Get the template for the given file path. For the most part, this will liekly be the work_template. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str file_path: The file path the check against. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.Template` """ return self.get_work_template(node)
[docs] def _populate_from_fields(self, node, fields): """ Populate the node from template fields. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict fields: The template fields. """ sgtk_element = node.parm(self.SGTK_ELEMENT) sgtk_element.set(fields.get("name", "")) sgtk_location = node.parm(self.SGTK_LOCATION) sgtk_location.set(fields.get("location", "")) sgtk_variation = node.parm(self.SGTK_VARIATION) sgtk_variation.set(fields.get("variation", ""))
[docs] def _set_version(self, node, current_version): """ Set the index of the versions drop down from the given version. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param int current_version: The version to set. """ version_str = str(current_version) sgtk_version = node.parm(self.SGTK_VERSION) using_next = node.parm(self.USING_NEXT_VERSION) entries = sgtk_version.menuItems() if using_next and using_next.eval(): if self.NEXT_VERSION_STR in entries: index = entries.index(self.NEXT_VERSION_STR) else: index = len(entries) elif version_str in entries: index = entries.index(version_str) else: index = len(entries) sgtk_version.set(index)
[docs] def _get_optional_fields(self, node, template): """ Get the optional fields from the sgtk_optional_keys parm. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param template: An :class:`sgtk.Template` instance. :rtype: dict """ parm = node.parm(self.OPTIONAL_KEYS) if parm: return json.loads(parm.evalAsString()) return {}
[docs] def _populate_from_file_path(self, node, file_path): """ Populate a node's sgtk parms from a file path. If the file path doesn't match the template, disable the use of shotgun on this node. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str file_path: The file path to populate from. """ template = self._get_template_for_file_path(node, file_path) skip_keys = self.get_optional_keys(template) fields = template.validate_and_get_fields(file_path, skip_keys=skip_keys) if fields: fields.update(self._get_optional_fields(node, template)) if "SEQ" in fields: fields["SEQ"] = "FORMAT: $F" current_version = fields.get("version", self.NEXT_VERSION_STR) all_versions = self._resolve_all_versions_from_fields(fields, template) self._populate_from_fields(node, fields) self._update_all_versions(node, all_versions) self._set_version(node, current_version) self._refresh_file_path(node) else: use_sgtk = node.parm(self.USE_SGTK) use_sgtk.set(False) self._enable_sgtk(node, False) output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) output_parm.set(file_path)
[docs] def _restore_sgtk_parms(self, node): """ Restore any removed sgtk parameters onto the given node. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance containing sgtk parameters. """ output_parm = node.parm(self.OUTPUT_PARM) original_file_path = output_parm.unexpandedString() if output_parm else None self.add_sgtk_parms(node) if original_file_path is not None: self._populate_from_file_path(node, original_file_path)
[docs] def _get_sequence_paths(self, path, template, fields): """ Get all the paths relating to a sequence. :param str path: The sequence path. :param template: An :class:`sgtk.Template`. :param dict fields: The template fields. :returns: A list of file paths """ fields = copy.deepcopy(fields) sequence_paths = [] if "SEQ" in fields: fields["SEQ"] = "FORMAT: $F" path = template.apply_fields(fields) glob_path = self._get_sequence_glob_path(path, template, fields) sequence_paths = glob.glob(glob_path) return sequence_paths
[docs] def _make_sgtk_compliant_path(self, path, template): """ Take the path and make the sequence field shotgun compliant (%04d). :param str path: The sequence path. :param template: An :class:`sgtk.Template`. :rtype: str """ fields = template.get_fields(path) if "SEQ" in fields: fields["SEQ"] = "FORMAT: %d" return template.apply_fields(fields)
[docs] def _get_output_path_and_templates_for_parm( self, node, parm_name, work_template, publish_template, paths_and_templates, is_deep=False, ): """ Get the output path and the templates used for the given parm. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str parm_name: The name of the parameter to query. :param work_template: The work :class:`sgtk.Template` for this parm. :param publish_template: The publish :class:`sgtk.Template` for this parm. :param list paths_and_templates: The current list of paths and templates to append to. :param bool is_deep: Is the parm a deep output or not. """ parm = node.parm(parm_name) path = parm.evalAsString() item = {"work_template": work_template, "publish_template": publish_template} fields = work_template.get_fields(path) sequence_paths = self._get_sequence_paths(path, work_template, fields) if sequence_paths: item["sequence_paths"] = sequence_paths elif not os.path.exists(path): # if nothing exists on disk # lets get the last rendered one because it might be "<Next>" # and it's evaluated to the next available version all_versions = self._get_all_versions(node) if not all_versions: # no versions so nothing's been rendered return fields["version"] = max(all_versions) path = work_template.apply_fields(fields) sequence_paths = self._get_sequence_paths(path, work_template, fields) if sequence_paths: item["sequence_paths"] = sequence_paths item["path"] = self._make_sgtk_compliant_path(path, work_template) if is_deep: item["is_deep"] = True paths_and_templates.append(item)
[docs] def _get_output_paths_and_templates(self, node): """ Go through the node's specified parameters and get the output paths, work and publish templates. Returns a list of dictionaries, each containing, at least: - work template - publish template - file name and optionally: - any sequence paths - whether the output is a deep image :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: list(dict) """ paths_and_templates = [] work_template = self.get_work_template(node) publish_template = self.get_publish_template(node) self._get_output_path_and_templates_for_parm( node, self.OUTPUT_PARM, work_template, publish_template, paths_and_templates ) return paths_and_templates
[docs] def get_output_paths_and_templates(self, node): """ Go through the node's specified parameters and get the output paths, work and publish templates. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: list(dict) """ parm = node.parm(self.USE_SGTK) results = [] if parm and parm.eval(): results = self._get_output_paths_and_templates(node) return results