Source code for base_cache_handler

"""Base Hook for other Houdini cache output node handlers.

These include:

- ``alembic_handler``
- ``geometry_handler``

This hook is designed to inherit from ``base_export_handler`` hook.
import sgtk

import hou

[docs]HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()
[docs]class BaseCacheNodeHandler(HookBaseClass): """ Base class for any cache export nodes. """
[docs] SGTK_SINGLE_FRAME = "sgtk_single_frame"
[docs] def _is_single_frame(self, node): """ Check if the output is a single file or a sequence. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: bool """ sgtk_single_frame = node.parm(self.SGTK_SINGLE_FRAME) if sgtk_single_frame: return bool(sgtk_single_frame.eval()) return True
[docs] def get_work_template(self, node): """ Get the shotgun work template for this node handler. Sequence paths require a different template. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: An :class:`sgtk.Template` instance. """ if self._is_single_frame(node): return self._work_template return self._get_template("seq_work_template")
[docs] def get_publish_template(self, node): """ Get the shotgun publish template for this node handler. Sequence paths require a different template. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :rtype: An :class:`sgtk.Template` instance. """ if self._is_single_frame(node): return self._publish_template return self._get_template("seq_publish_template")
[docs] def _build_single_file_parm(self, default): """ Build a template for the single file parm. :param bool default: The default check state of the parm. :returns: A :class:`hou.ToggleParmTemplate` instance. """ sgtk_single_frame = hou.ToggleParmTemplate( self.SGTK_SINGLE_FRAME, "Single File", default_value=default, script_callback=self.generate_callback_script_str("refresh_file_path"), script_callback_language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, ) sgtk_single_frame.setConditional( hou.parmCondType.DisableWhen, "{ use_sgtk != 1 }" ) return sgtk_single_frame
[docs] def _get_template_for_file_path(self, node, file_path): """ Get the template for the given file path. For the most part, this will liekly be the work_template. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param str file_path: The file path the check against. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.Template` """ if self._work_template.validate(file_path): return self._work_template return self._get_template("seq_work_template")
[docs] def _populate_from_fields(self, node, fields): """ Populate the node from template fields. :param node: A :class:`hou.Node` instance. :param dict fields: The template fields. """ super(BaseCacheNodeHandler, self)._populate_from_fields(node, fields) sgtk_single_frame = node.parm(self.SGTK_SINGLE_FRAME) sgtk_single_frame.set("SEQ" not in fields)