Source code for rezplugins.build_system.cmake

CMake-based build system
from __future__ import print_function

from rez.build_system import BuildSystem
from rez.build_process import BuildType
from rez.resolved_context import ResolvedContext
from rez.exceptions import BuildSystemError
from rez.utils.execution import create_forwarding_script
from rez.packages import get_developer_package
from rez.utils.platform_ import platform_
from rez.config import config
from rez.backport.shutilwhich import which
from rez.vendor.schema.schema import Or
from rez.vendor.six import six
from rez.shells import create_shell
import functools
import os.path
import sys
import os

basestring = six.string_types[0]

[docs]class RezCMakeError(BuildSystemError): pass
[docs]class CMakeBuildSystem(BuildSystem): """The CMake build system. The 'cmake' executable is run within the build environment. Rez supplies a library of cmake macros in the 'cmake_files' directory; these are added to cmake's searchpath and are available to use in your own CMakeLists.txt file. The following CMake variables are available: - REZ_BUILD_TYPE: One of 'local', 'central'. Describes whether an install is going to the local packages path, or the release packages path. - REZ_BUILD_INSTALL: One of 0 or 1. If 1, an installation is taking place; if 0, just a build is occurring. """ build_systems = { 'eclipse': "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles", 'codeblocks': "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles", 'make': "Unix Makefiles", 'nmake': "NMake Makefiles", 'mingw': "MinGW Makefiles", 'xcode': "Xcode", 'ninja': "Ninja", } build_targets = ["Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo"] schema_dict = { "build_target": Or(*build_targets), "build_system": Or(*list(build_systems.keys())), "cmake_args": [basestring], "cmake_binary": Or(None, basestring), "make_binary": Or(None, basestring) }
[docs] @classmethod def name(cls): return "cmake"
[docs] @classmethod def child_build_system(cls): return "make"
[docs] @classmethod def is_valid_root(cls, path, package=None): return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, "CMakeLists.txt"))
[docs] @classmethod def bind_cli(cls, parser, group): settings = config.plugins.build_system.cmake group.add_argument("--bt", "--build-target", dest="build_target", type=str, choices=cls.build_targets, default=settings.build_target, help="set the build target (default: %(default)s).") group.add_argument("--bs", "--cmake-build-system", dest="cmake_build_system", choices=list(cls.build_systems.keys()), default=settings.build_system, help="set the cmake build system (default: %(default)s).")
def __init__(self, working_dir, opts=None, package=None, write_build_scripts=False, verbose=False, build_args=[], child_build_args=[]): super(CMakeBuildSystem, self).__init__( working_dir, opts=opts, package=package, write_build_scripts=write_build_scripts, verbose=verbose, build_args=build_args, child_build_args=child_build_args) self.settings = self.package.config.plugins.build_system.cmake self.build_target = getattr(opts, "build_target", self.settings.build_target) self.cmake_build_system = getattr(opts, "cmake_build_system", self.settings.build_system) if self.cmake_build_system == 'xcode' and != 'osx': raise RezCMakeError("Generation of Xcode project only available " "on the OSX platform")
[docs] def build(self, context, variant, build_path, install_path, install=False, build_type=BuildType.local): def _pr(s): if self.verbose: print(s) # find cmake binary if self.settings.cmake_binary: exe = self.settings.cmake_binary else: exe = context.which("cmake", fallback=True) if not exe: raise RezCMakeError("could not find cmake binary") found_exe = which(exe) if not found_exe: raise RezCMakeError("cmake binary does not exist: %s" % exe) sh = create_shell() # assemble cmake command cmd = [found_exe] # cmd.append("-d") # see cmd.append(self.working_dir) cmd += (self.settings.cmake_args or []) cmd += (self.build_args or []) cmd.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % install_path) cmd.append("-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=%s" % sh.get_key_token("CMAKE_MODULE_PATH").replace('\\', '/')) cmd.append("-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % self.build_target) cmd.append("-DREZ_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % cmd.append("-DREZ_BUILD_INSTALL=%d" % (1 if install else 0)) cmd.extend(["-G", self.build_systems[self.cmake_build_system]]) if config.rez_1_cmake_variables and \ not config.disable_rez_1_compatibility and \ build_type == BuildType.central: cmd.append("-DCENTRAL=1") # execute cmake within the build env _pr("Executing: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) if not os.path.abspath(build_path): build_path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, build_path) build_path = os.path.realpath(build_path) actions_callback = functools.partial( self._add_build_actions, context=context, package=self.package, variant=variant, build_type=build_type, install=install, build_path=build_path, install_path=install_path ) post_actions_callback = functools.partial( self.add_pre_build_commands, variant=variant, build_type=build_type, install=install, build_path=build_path, install_path=install_path ) # run the build command and capture/print stderr at the same time retcode, _, _ = context.execute_shell( command=cmd, block=True, cwd=build_path, actions_callback=actions_callback, post_actions_callback=post_actions_callback ) ret = {} if retcode: ret["success"] = False return ret if self.write_build_scripts: # write out the script that places the user in a build env, where # they can run make directly themselves. build_env_script = os.path.join(build_path, "build-env") create_forwarding_script(build_env_script, module=("build_system", "cmake"), func_name="_FWD__spawn_build_shell", working_dir=self.working_dir, build_path=build_path, variant_index=variant.index, install=install, install_path=install_path) ret["success"] = True ret["build_env_script"] = build_env_script return ret # assemble make command make_binary = self.settings.make_binary if not make_binary: if self.cmake_build_system == "mingw": make_binary = "mingw32-make" elif self.cmake_build_system == "nmake": make_binary = "nmake" elif self.cmake_build_system == "ninja": make_binary = "ninja" else: make_binary = "make" cmd = [make_binary] + (self.child_build_args or []) # nmake has no -j if make_binary != "nmake": if not any(x.startswith("-j") for x in (self.child_build_args or [])): n = variant.config.build_thread_count cmd.append("-j%d" % n) # execute make within the build env _pr("\nExecuting: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) retcode, _, _ = context.execute_shell( command=cmd, block=True, cwd=build_path, actions_callback=actions_callback, post_actions_callback=post_actions_callback ) if not retcode and install and "install" not in cmd: cmd.append("install") # execute make install within the build env _pr("\nExecuting: %s" % ' '.join(cmd)) retcode, _, _ = context.execute_shell( command=cmd, block=True, cwd=build_path, actions_callback=actions_callback, post_actions_callback=post_actions_callback ) ret["success"] = (not retcode) return ret
@classmethod def _add_build_actions(cls, executor, context, package, variant, build_type, install, build_path, install_path=None): settings = package.config.plugins.build_system.cmake cmake_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cmake_files") template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "template_files") cls.add_standard_build_actions( executor=executor, context=context, variant=variant, build_type=build_type, install=install, build_path=build_path, install_path=install_path ) executor.env.CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.append(cmake_path.replace('\\', '/')) executor.env.REZ_BUILD_DOXYFILE = os.path.join(template_path, 'Doxyfile') executor.env.REZ_BUILD_INSTALL_PYC = '1' if settings.install_pyc else '0'
def _FWD__spawn_build_shell(working_dir, build_path, variant_index, install, install_path=None): # This spawns a shell that the user can run 'make' in directly context = ResolvedContext.load(os.path.join(build_path, "build.rxt")) package = get_developer_package(working_dir) variant = package.get_variant(variant_index) config.override("prompt", "BUILD>") actions_callback = functools.partial( CMakeBuildSystem._add_build_actions, context=context, package=package, variant=variant, build_type=BuildType.local, install=install, build_path=build_path, install_path=install_path ) post_actions_callback = functools.partial( CMakeBuildSystem.add_pre_build_commands, variant=variant, build_type=BuildType.local, install=install, build_path=build_path, install_path=install_path ) retcode, _, _ = context.execute_shell( block=True, cwd=build_path, actions_callback=actions_callback, post_actions_callback=post_actions_callback ) sys.exit(retcode)
[docs]def register_plugin(): return CMakeBuildSystem
# Copyright 2013-2016 Allan Johns. # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library. If not, see <>.